Our Story

We want to know Jesus more, and to help others to know Him more too.

Velmore Church was founded in 1968, when a group of Christians who had previously been meeting at Eastleigh Gospel Hall were invited to build a church on the then new Velmore council estate. Their vision was to be a light to the community as they worshipped and served God together. Much has changed since those early days, but the heart of Velmore Church remains the same. We want to know Jesus more, and to help others to know Him more too.

Our biggest change in recent years was when, in 2010, Eastleigh Borough Council approached us to ask if we would allow them to redevelop the church building as a Community Centre. The leaders and members of the church agreed to this, as it would enable us to be even more of a presence in the local community. So, in 2012, Velmore Centre came into existence, with new rooms added, including a light, welcoming cafe area at the front of the building. Since then, we have worked together with the Community Centre, getting to know many friends from the local community in the process. Church members volunteer in the cafe and attend various community events, and local people have come to know and trust us, many regularly attending meal services and other special events.

​As an independent church we are completely self-funding, relying on the goodness and generosity of God, and the generosity of our church members who give financially towards the running of the church.

​We have a friendly, informal style of worship in our Sunday meetings: our services are led by many different members of the church so the style varies, but we always have an opportunity to worship God through song, and we have a strong emphasis on clear, systematic Bible teaching. We encourage everyone to develop and deepen their relationship with God through prayer, Bible study, worship and acts of service.

We want to see every person, no matter how near or far, given the opportunity to hear about the amazing good news of Jesus Christ. We actively support a number of missionaries and mission organisations in order to do this, as well as challenging ourselves to be intentional and invitational when it comes to sharing the gospel- the good news about Jesus.

​If you are reading this website, then we’d love for you to come and see more for yourself.