What are Christians?

Image by pikisuperstar

God is everywhere and has always existed. The universe exists because God brought it into being. Some 2,000 years ago God came in the person of Jesus Christ to lead humans from darkness to light and to give hope. Jesus taught the people about God’s wonderful love for them. Jesus did miraculous things and broken people discovered hope, suffering people were healed and oppressed people found justice.

Powerful members of the establishment had Jesus arrested and executed but three days later his friends discovered that although they had seen him die, he had actually risen from the dead and was alive. The resurrected Jesus met with his followers for 40 days and then ascended into heaven to God’s side. The number of followers of Jesus grew rapidly and Christianity began to spread around the world.

Today the Christian Church is world-wide and Jesus is still at work and revealing himself to people through the Holy Spirit. Christians are people who follow God and have a friendship with Jesus through his Spirit. When they do wrong there is forgiveness, when there is joy, they have someone to thank and when they are in life’s troubles, they walk hand in hand with Jesus because they are not alone.